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SLT Open Project Form

You are entitled to participate in an online survey. The details of the survey are:

Grand Rapids Community College

Priority/Strategic Initiative (SI) Proposal Form

2As part of the Priority/SI proposal process, please answer the following questions. If a question does not apply, please answer N/A.


When this document is complete, it will be submitted to the Associate Provost of Instructional Support and Institutional Planning.

Thank you for submitting the Priority or Strategic Initiative (SI) Proposal form. SLT Exec will review the form and will be in contact with you if there are questions about your proposed project. After SLT Exec reviews your proposal, the Academic and Student Affairs Council (Deans' Council) will review the proposed project.


Please print/save this form before you click the submit button. To enlarge the text boxes, click and drag on the lower right side of the text box.