Grand Rapids Community College
Learning Outcomes Assessment Survey
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1.1 Please select the academic year when the data was collected.
1.2 Please select your department:
1.3 What type of assessment is being assessed?
1.4 Co-curricular Learning Outcome (CCLO) being assessed:
1.5 Provide a brief explanation of the CCLO if not on the 5-year plan for the co-curricular program.
1.6 Course Learning Outcome (CLO) being assessed:
1.7 Program Learning Outcome (PLO) being assessed:
1.8 If you are accessing a CLO aligned with a General Education Learning Outcome (GELO), please indicate the GELO.
1.9 Please enter the course prefix and number being assessed (e.g. CHM 130):
1.10 Please indicate the number of sections being assessed:
1.11 Please give a brief description of assessment activity.
1.12 Please provide a brief description of how students were placed into one of the three participatory levels of student achievement (developing, competent, and proficient).
Please enter the number of students assigned to each level*:(*Definitions are at the beginning of this document.)
1.13 Developing:
1.14 Competent:
1.15 Proficient:
1.16 Non-participating:
1.17 Total # of Students (participating and non-participating students):
1.18 I am:
1.19 Please provide any changes that were made to the course, program, or co-curricular activity as a result of the assessment:
1.20 (Optional) Please provide any reflections on this work or next steps that you would like to share with the Institutional Assessment Committee.
Data Usage No individual faculty data or faculty names will be reported outside the self-reporting of the FPE process. No individual staff data or names will be reported. Survey data collected will be merged and used such as: · Data will be merged and reported by GELO to better understand the effectiveness of General Education at GRCC. · Data will be merged and reported by course and reported to faculty and departments conducting the 5-year Course Review and Revision process. · Data will be merged for use in the department annual planning and reporting processes.If you have any questions regarding this form, please contact Mike Miller ( or Jennifer Batten (
Please print this form before you click the submit button. To enlarge the text boxes, click and drag on the lower right side of the text box to enlarge.
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