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Learning Assessment Outcomes Form

You are entitled to participate in an online survey. The details of the survey are:

Grand Rapids Community College

Learning Outcomes Assessment Survey

Please complete the following survey based on the work you have done to assess the Course Learning Outcomes (CLO), Co-Curricular Learning Outcomes (CCLO), Program Learning Outcomes (PLO), or General Education Learning Outcomes (GELO).

Please print this form before you click the submit button. To make all the text visible, click and drag on the lower right side of the text box to enlarge.

  • This survey can be used by all faculty and staff who are assessing CLOs, CCLOs, PLOs, or GELOs.
    • Each full-time faculty member participating in the CLO, CCLO, PLO, or GELO assessment process can submit their own data and save the form as PDF. The completed form can then be submitted for the Assessment portion of the Faculty Performance Evaluation (FPE). 
    • Full-time faculty members may include data collected from adjunct faculty if this is a department level/group project.  
    • Adjunct faculty are invited to participate and submit their own data.
  • Each General Education course has at least two General Education Learning Outcomes (GELOs) that are aligned to Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs).  It is the CLOs that should be assessed.  These CLO to GELO alignments were determined by the faculty course authors.  
  • To work toward a common understand of the data collected for assessment, the Institutional Assessment Committee developed four levels of student achievement, which are:
    • Developing - does not meet the requirements of the criterion
    • Competent - meets the requirements of the criterion
    • Proficient - exceeds the requirements of the criterion
    • Non-participating- for students who are enrolled at the time the assessment was conducted, but did not complete the assessment 
    • While these levels are subjective and faculty/academic departments are free to determine their own rubrics, we respectfully ask that this form is completed based on these terms as this will support data collection and our overall assessment of learning outcomes at GRCC.
    • Note: If you are using a pass/fail scoring system to assess, please score pass as competent and fail as developing.
  • Please fill the form out as completely as possible as this will produce more meaningful data.

Please enter the number of students assigned to each level*:
(*Definitions are at the beginning of this document.)

Data Usage 
No individual faculty data or faculty names will be reported outside the self-reporting of the FPE process. No individual staff data or names will be reported. Survey data collected will be merged and used such as:  
 ·      Data will be merged and reported by GELO to better understand the effectiveness of General Education at GRCC. 
 ·      Data will be merged and reported by course and reported to faculty and departments conducting the 5-year Course Review and Revision process. 
 ·      Data will be merged for use in the department annual planning and reporting processes.

If you have any questions regarding this form, please contact Mike Miller ( or Jennifer Batten (

Please print this form before you click the submit button. To enlarge the text boxes, click and drag on the lower right side of the text box to enlarge.